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Julia Grimm

Professor Emeritus of Psychology

Licensed Psychologist
State of New York, 1996 - present.
 State of Pennsylvania, 1990 – 1999;  1999-present (inactive status).


Dean, School of Natural & Social Sciences (7/15 to present)
Provide Administrative oversight to the Departments of: Biological and Chemical Sciences, Computer Science/Math/Physics, Criminal Justice, Psychology, and developing OTD program.

Chair, Department of Psychology (7/12 to 7/19)
Concurrent with role as Dean of Natural & Social Sciences, provide administrative oversight to academic unit with graduate programs in Psychology (School Psychology & School Counseling; proposed PsyD in Clinical/School), and undergraduate programs in Psychology and the Sociology minor.   Work in collaboration with the Director of the Graduate Programs and Director of the PsyD Program in Psychology.

Chair, Division of Social Sciences (7/05-6/12)
Administrative oversight for College academic unit housing Graduate programs in Psychology and Undergraduate programs in Criminal Justice, Psychology, & Sociology.  Facilitate the work of the Director of Graduate Programs in Psychology & the Director of Criminal Justice & Sociology Programs.  Also provide administrative oversight of RWC Counseling Center in collaboration with the Division of Social Work.

Transitional Dean, School of Liberal Arts & Sciences (5/11-6/12)
One-year, interim position, assisting with the college's restructuring from academic divisions to a two-school model.  Concurrent with Chair responsibilities above.

Co-Chair, Middle States Accreditation Self-Study (3/04-3/06)  Roberts Wesleyan College
Provided oversight to the development of the institutional self-study design.  Facilitated and coordinated the work of the Steering Committee and eight self-study subcommittees in preparation for accreditation visit in Spring 2006.

Director of Undergraduate Psychology (7/03 – present)
Roberts Wesleyan College
Responsible for coordinating undergraduate communication, recruitment, and advisement for the Psychology Department.  Also responsible for monitoring course enrollment trends, new course development, and outcome assessment for undergraduate psychology.

Assistant Dean for Institutional Research  (9/89 - 7/92) 
Grove City College
Coordinated college's ongoing program of evaluative assessment, including general education outcomes assessment (ETS' CLEP tests), competency in major area of study (ETS' Major Field Achievement Tests), and Cultural Literacy (Riverside's Cultural Literacy Test, Grove City College's Test).  Also responsible for interpreting and cataloging evaluative data obtained by other campus offices. Efforts culminated in an annual report which provided formal data analysis and interpretation with value-added studies.

Consultant to the Office of Student Affairs (9/89 - 7/92)
Grove City College
Provided psychological services on an as-needed basis to screen students for formal counseling referrals or to assist in crisis intervention.  Seminars on stress management.

Assistant Dean for Counseling Services  (8/86 - 7/89)
Roberts Wesleyan College
Counseling/Psychotherapy:  Director of Counseling Services.  Provided comprehensive clinical services including crisis intervention, diagnostic intake, individual therapy, and couples counseling.  Developed and implemented record-keeping system for the college's counseling service.  Served as a consultant to campus health service, faculty, and staff. Member of AIDS Task Force.

Psychoeducational Programming/Outreach:  Developed and presented a variety of seminars and programs for the college and affiliated community--e.g., Stress Management, Interpersonal Communication, Fostering Responsibility in Students, Choosing a Career, Assertiveness for the First Job, Understanding Teenagers.

Orientation Services:  Responsible for the development, planning, and supervision of the freshman and new student orientation program.  Freshman Class Advisor.

Institutional Assessment:  Director of college's program of outcome assessment.  Coordinated and administered a battery of assessment instruments (e.g., ACT's COMP & ESS;  UCLA's  CIRP & CSEQ) and provided interpretive assistance to campus offices utilizing the data.


Professor (7/04 - present)
Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY

Promoted to full professor and tenured as of 7/1/04.  Current teaching assignments include:  Psychology of Learning and Behavior; First Year Seminar, Field Work Preparation, History of Psychology, and Contemporary Issues in Counseling.

Associate Professor (8/99 – 6/04)
Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY

Tenure-track term appointment teaching undergraduate courses in Counseling Theory and PracticePsychological Testing, Developmental Psychology, Organizational Behavior, and History of Psychology.  Graduate teaching:  Interpersonal Effectiveness I and Contemporary Issues in Counseling.

Assistant Professor (8/97 – 7/99)
State University College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY

Tenure-track term appointment teaching Abnormal Psychology, Theories of Personality, Introduction to Counseling, History and Systems of Psychology and Introduction to Psychology.  Supervisor/Coordinator of Internships, 1998-1999.

Visiting Assistant Professor; Adjunct Instructor (1/94 - 8/97)
State University College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY

Full-time.  Three consecutive one-year appointments teaching Introduction to Psychology, Personality, Social Psychology, Theories of Personality, History and Systems of Psychology.  Part-time, Spring 1994.

Adjunct Assistant Professor in Psychology (8/93 - 8/96)
Houghton College, Houghton, NY

Responsible for teaching Exceptional Child  course on main campus (Fall 1993).  Instructor in PACE program at Buffalo Suburban Campus, Course 3--Group Organization and Behavior  (summer modules only).

Adjunct in Graduate Education (1/93 - 8/94)
Canisius College, Buffalo, NY

Taught Research Techniques (methodology and statistics) to graduate students in master's programs during Summer sessions 1993, 1994.  Also provided clinical supervision to graduate students in counseling practica (Spring and Fall 1993).

Assistant Professor of Psychology (9/89 - 5/93)
Grove City College, Grove City, PA

Concurrent with position as Assistant Dean for Institutional Research.  Full-time teaching load of 24 semester hours per year.  Courses included:  Abnormal Psychology, Psychology of the Exceptional Child, Principles and Methods of Counseling, Group Theory, Psychology of Personality, Business and Industrial Psychology, General (introductory) Psychology, Clinical and Community Psychology  (Seminar on Professional and Ethical Issues).   Adjunct status 9/92-5/93, Quarter-time.

Assistant Professor of Psychology  (8/86 - 7/89) 
Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY

Concurrent with position as Assistant Dean for Counseling Services.  Responsible for teaching one undergraduate course per semester. Courses included:  Counseling Theory and Practice, History of Psychology, Personality Theory, Psychological Testing.  Some supervision of upperclassmen taking Advanced Counseling.  Member of Task Force to Explore Graduate Education.  Assisted in preliminary curriculum planning for a graduate program in psychology.  Provided occasional statistical consultation to faculty members engaged in research.

Co-instructor  (8/85 -12/85)
Illinois State University, Student Counseling Center

Eight-week Career Choice Class for undergraduate students seeking assistance in career decision making and planning.  Lectures, group interpretation of vocational assessment instruments, and training/supervision of paraprofessional structured group leaders.

Instructor in Psychology  (1/85 - 5/85)
Roberts Wesleyan College

One semester temporary appointment.  Responsible for teaching 12 semester hours of undergraduate psychology including two lecture sections of General (introductory) PsychologyHistory of Psychology, and Experimental Psychology

Graduate Teaching Assistant  (9/81 - 12/84)
Iowa State University, Department of Psychology

Direct Teaching:  Techniques in Counseling.  Trained graduate students in basic counseling skills requisite for their first practicum placement.  Supervised audio-taped interviews with volunteer clients.  Led small group role-play exercises.

Counseling Skills Laboratory.  Instructed undergraduates in basic counseling and listening skills.  Lectures and facilitation of structured group activities.


Doctoral Psychology Intern  (8/85 - 7/86)
Illinois State University, Student Counseling Center

Counseling/Psychotherapy:  Provided full range of clinical services in a comprehensive counseling center, including crisis intervention, diagnostic intake, and individual therapy involving both long-term and time-limited models.  Co-led two therapy groups including one designated for adult children of alcoholics.  Supervised practicum trainees.

Career Development and Outreach Services:  Co-instructor for Career Choice Class.  Leader for Career Decision Making Groups utilizing a computerized career guidance system (DISCOVER).  Assisted in training Career Center paraprofessionals.  Developed and presented outreach programs for residence halls and student organizations, including a series for students at high risk for attrition.

Training Experience:  Received five hours/week of individual and group clinical case supervision.  Participated in weekly training seminars (e.g., ethics, group psychotherapy, supervision, crisis intervention, time-limited psychotherapy).

Doctoral Student/Counseling Practica  (8/81 - 7/86)
Iowa State University

Drake University Counseling Center, Des Moines, IA. (12/83 - 5/83 and 8/84 - 12/84)  Provided counseling services for students with personal, vocational, and academic concerns.  Facilitated students' use of SIGI computerized career exploration.  Co-led group focused on interpersonal anxiety management.

Career Development Center, Drake University, Des Moines, IA . (8/84 - 12/84)  Provided individual counseling in the areas of general career/ vocational exploration and planning, resume preparation, interviewing skills, and job search strategies.

Central Iowa Mental Health Center, Ames, IA.  (8/83 - 2/84)  Provided counseling, assessment, and diagnostic intake for individuals and some couples.

Student Counseling Service, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.  (1/82 -  5/82 and 8/82 - 12/82)  Provided counseling services for students with personal, vocational, and academic concerns.

Psychology Assistant  (6/80 - 8/81)
Randolph Children's Home, Randolph, NY

Full-time.  Responsible for administration of a standard test battery (WISC-R or WAIS, Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Projective Drawings, and Interview) to emotionally disturbed children.  Provided supportive counseling.  Trained in Behavior Modification and Reality Therapy.


Barnett, K. L., Bassett, R. L., Grimm, J. P., & Repass, C. L.  (2012).  Revisiting the issue of influential sources in the integration of psychology and Theology:  Are we there yet?   Journal of Psychology and Theology, 40(2), 93-101.

Grimm, J. P., Barnett, K. L., Bassett, R. L., Pearson, S. M., Cornell, A., Morton, S., … & Stevenson, P.  (2012).  Revisiting the influential sources in the integration of psychology and theology:  More than a decade summary.   Journal of Psychology & Theology, 40(1), 5-15.

Bassett, R.L., Pearson, E., Ochs, S., Brennon, J., Krebs, G., Burt, L., Grimm, J.P. (2011). Feeling bad: The different colors of remorse. Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 30, pp. 51-69.

Bassett, K.M., Bassett, R.L., Scott, K., Lovejoy, M., Preston, J., Gavette, H., & Grimm, J.P.  (2009).  Regarding football and worldview:  Is defensiveness the best offense?   Journal of Psychology & Christianity, 28(3), pp. 248-263.

Bassett, R., van Nikkelen-Kuyper, M., Johnson, D., Miller, A., Carter, A., & Grimm, J.P.  (2007).  Being a good neighbor:  Can students come to value homosexual persons?  Article republished in D. H. Stevenson, B. E. Eck, & P. C. Hill (Eds.).  Psychology and Christian integration:  Seminal works that shaped the movement.   Batavia, IL:  CAPS.

Bassett, R., van Nikkelen-Kuyper, M., Johnson, D., Miller, A., Carter, A., & Grimm, J.  (2005).  Being a good neighbor:  Can students come to value homosexual persons?  Journal of Psychology & Theology, 23,17-26.

Grimm, J. Pecnik  (2003).  Being the person you want to be:  Practical helps for personal growth [Review of the book].  Journal of Psychology and Christianity22(4), 374.

Grimm, J. Pecnik, & Bassett, R. L.  (2000).  Clergy as counselors:  “The sleeping giant” revisited.  Greensboro, NC:  ERIC CASS Counseling and Student Services Clearing House.  (ERIC  Document Reproduction Service No. ED 448 391).

Grimm, J. Pecnik  (1999).  Amnestic Disorders.  In D. G. Benner & P. C. Hill (Eds.), Baker's Encyclopedia of Psychology (2nd ed.).  Grand Rapids, MI:  Baker Book House.

Grimm, J. Pecnik  (1999).  Trichotillomania.   In D. G. Benner & P. C. Hill  (Eds.), Baker's Encyclopedia of Psychology (2nd ed.).   Grand Rapids, MI:  Baker Book House.

Pecnik, J.A.  (1988, Spring).  Stress management strategies.  Roberts Today12,  3-5. Publication of Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY.

Pecnik, J.A., & Epperson, D.L. (1985).  A factor analysis and further validation of the Shepherd Scale.   Journal of Psychology and Theology,  13,  42-49.

Pecnik, J.A., & Epperson, D.L. (1985).  Analogue study of expectations for Christian and traditional counseling.   Journal of Counseling Psychology,  32,  127-130.

Epperson, D.L., & Pecnik, J.A.  (1985).  Counselor Rating Form - Short Version:  Further validation and comparison to the long form.Journal of Counseling Psychology32, 143-146.


Bassett, R. L., Ochs, S., Jacobia, N., & Grimm, J. P. (2010, April). Transforming shame into positive remorse. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Overland Park, KS.

Bassett, R., Grimm, J.P., Altman, J., & Barnett, K.  (2009, April).  Seeking forgiveness and new ways of thinking about remorse.   Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, Orlando, FL.

Bassett, K., Bassett, R., & Grimm, J.  (2007, March).  Are defensive Christians  more optimistic?    Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, King of Prussia, PA.

Bassett, R., van Nikkelen-Kuyper, M., Johnson, D., Miller, A., Carter, A., & Grimm, J. P.  (2003, March).  Being a good neighbor:  Can students come to value homosexual persons?  Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Christian Association for Psychological Studies, St. Petersburg, FL.

Grimm, J. Pecnik & Bassett, R. L.  (2000, August).   Clergy as counselors:  The “sleeping giant” revisited.  Poster presented at the 108th Annual convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Swanson, A., Ciaravino, J., Sanford, A., & Grimm, J. Pecnik (1999, April).  A comparative study of the counseling preferences of church adults and college students.  Poster presented at the Eastern Psychological Association Conference, Providence, Rhode Island.

Grimm, J. Pecnik & Epperson, D. L.  (1998, November).  Christians’ preferences for counseling:  A comparative study of college students and adult church members.  Paper presented at the Christian Association for Psychological Studies - East Conference, Waymart, PA.

DeCorse, C.J.B., & Pecnik, J. A.  (1991, June).  The biggest bang for your assessment buck:  Models of cost effective assessment.   Co-presenters for Grove City College's portion of the panel discussion presented at the 6th American Association for Higher Education Conference on Assessment in Higher Education, San Francisco, CA.

Pecnik, J.A., & Epperson, D.L. (1987, August).  Expectations and preferences for Christian and traditional counseling.  Paper presented at the 95th convention of the American  Psychological Association, New York City, NY.  Paper based on doctoral dissertation.

Epperson, D.L., & Pecnik, J.A. (1984, August).  Counselor Rating Form - Short Version:  A validation and comparative study.  Paper presented at the 92nd convention of the   American Psychological Association, Toronto, Canada.


All Stressed Up with No Where to Go. Presentation to professional staff of Chili Public Library, Rochester, NY, April 2019.

Counselor Training.  Presentation to SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SCORE, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY, May 2008.

Finding Strength for your Stress and The ABC's of Spring Cleaning.  Presentations to the Women's Retreat, Park Ridge Free Methodist Church, March 2007.

Finding Strength for your Stress.   Presentation to Hope Lutheran Church, Women's Fellowship, Rochester, NY, November 2006.

Counselor Training.  Presentation to SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SCORE, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY, October, 2005.   Co-presented with Joyce Wagner, Director of RWC Counseling Center.

Interpersonal Effectiveness.  Presentation to SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SCORE, Chapter 23, Rochester, NY, May 2004.

Counseling Strategies.  Presentation to SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives), SCORE Chapter 23, Rochester, NY, November 2001.

Managing Mild Depression.  Presentation to Women’s Fellowship, Gowanda Free Methodist Church, Gowanda, NY,  September 1998.
ABC’s of Spring Cleaning (A Guide to Personal Wellness).  Presentation to Women’s Fellowship, Harvest Chapel Free Methodist Church, Fredonia, NY, April 1998.

Managing Stress & Depression.  Featured speaker for Wellness Weekend, Kingsview East Free Methodist Church, Toronto, Ontario, Canada,  Spring 1997.

Finding Strength for Your Stress.  Presentation to Women’s Fellowship, Jamestown Free Methodist Church, Jamestown, NY, Spring 1997.

Finding Strength for your Stress/Beating the Blues.  Featured speaker for Women’s Retreat, Harvest Chapel Free Methodist Church, Fredonia, NY, 1993.

Stress Management.  Presentation to staff of Fiddler’s Green Nursing Care Facility, Springville, NY, 1993.

Stress Management.  Presentation to staff of Gowanda Nursing Home, Gowanda, NY, 1992.

Counseling Teenagers.  Workshop for parents and youth workers, Niagara ‘88 Youth Convention, Niagara Falls, NY, 1988.


Putting your Spiritual House in Order:  The ABC’s of Spring Cleaning. Chapel address, Roberts Wesleyan College, Spring 2010.

Dealing with Difficult People.  Presentation to Registration Office Staff,  Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY, August, 2007.

Finding Strength for your Stress.   Chapel address.  Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY, March 2007.

Life Lessons from Barney.   Chapel address on stress management, Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY, January 2003.

Stress Management.  Presentation to the staff of Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY, June 2002.

Go to Class if You Want to Pass.  Teaching demonstration and presentation to parents of incoming freshmen, SUNY College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY, July 1998, July 1999.

Effective Communication in Interpersonal Relationships.  Speaker at Wellness Day, Silver Creek Central School, Silver Creek, NY, March 1999.
Preparing for Graduate School and the GRE’s.  Presentation to Psychology Club, SUNY College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY, Spring and Fall, 1997;  Fall 1998.

Life Lessons from Barney  (Stress Management).   Psi Chi Banquet, SUNY College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY,  May 1998.

Winning Over Stress.  Presentation to Upward Bound Students, SUNY College at Fredonia, Fredonia, NY,  May 1998.

Finding Strength for Your Stress.  Featured speaker at student chapel, Grove City College, Grove City, PA, 1991.

Beating the Blues.  Featured speaker at student chapel, Grove City College, Grove City, PA, 1990.

Working with Difficult Students.  Presentation to non-teaching staff.  Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY,  1988.

Stress Management.  Presentation to non-teaching staff, Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY, 1987.


American Psychological Association, Associate Member. (also Div. 36)

Christian Association for Psychological Studies.

Board of Directors for CAPS East - 2004-2010
President of East Board 2007-2010.
Regional Representative to National Board – 2008-present.
Secretary to Executive Board - 2010-present
Advisory Board – CAPS East Division 2012-2017
Student Awards Coordinator 2012-2017

Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society,
Iowa State University, 1985-present (inactive status since 2009).


Psychology Club's Outstanding Teaching Award,
SUNY at Fredonia, Spring 1996 & 1999.

Omicron Delta Kappa, The National Leadership Honorary, Grove City College, 1992.

Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Iowa State University, 1983.

Psi Chi, Psychology Honorary, Iowa State University, 1983.

Alpha Kappa Sigma Honor Society, Roberts Wesleyan College, 1980.

President's Citation for Academic Achievement (Co-Validictorian)
Roberts Wesleyan College, 1980.

Summa Cum Laude graduate, Roberts Wesleyan College, 1980.


Working at Roberts Wesleyan College is like coming home for me! I’ve been connected to Roberts for over 30 years…. As an undergraduate student in the late 70’s, I fell in love with the discipline of psychology, largely as a result of two very dedicated psychology professors who helped me to see that psychology and my Christian faith had much in common. I left Roberts to pursue a doctoral degree in Counseling Psychology at Iowa State University, where I was fortunate enough to do my research in the area of Christian Counseling. During my graduate training, I returned to Roberts to teach for a semester while one of my former professors, Dr. Bassett, took a sabbatical leave. That time back at Roberts only confirmed my love for the classroom!

After completing my doctorate in 1986, I returned again to Roberts to assume the position of Assistant Dean for Counseling Services. I wore a number of hats—College Counselor, Director of New Student Orientation, Institutional Research, and Assistant Professor of Psychology. During those three years, I discovered a number of things about myself—most importantly that my love of teaching superseded anything else I was doing. Since there were no full-time teaching opportunities available at Roberts, I left to take a teaching position at Grove City College.

Grove City provided me with 3 years of full-time teaching, being responsible for classes like General Psychology, Introductory Counseling, Human Exceptionality, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, Personality Theory, and Clinical/Community Psychology. I loved being in the classroom. However, I also felt that God was calling me to more. During my third year at Grove City, I discovered God’s help-mate for my life—Nelson Grimm. Nelson was my hometown pastor, a widower with 3 boys (ages 3-12). Eighteen months after we met, I married my “family” and moved back to New York.

I spent a couple of years mostly being “Mom” and doing some adjunct work in the Buffalo area (even working some for Houghton College!). When my youngest son entered school, SUNY College at Fredonia offered me part-time work, which eventually turned into a tenure track position. While I enjoyed my work at Fredonia—something was missing. It’s hard to teach when you can’t integrate your faith! I felt like I was teaching with one hand tied behind my back. While praying for God to open new doors, my husband was offered a position at Northeastern Seminary on the Roberts Wesleyan College campus. Since Roberts was hoping to develop masters’ programs in psychology, they found a way to hire me, too. The rest is history!

I have been back at Roberts now since 1999. In 2003, I was named Director of the Undergraduate Psychology Program, and in 2005, I became Chair of the new Division of Social Sciences. 2011-2012 I served as the Transitional Dean for the new School of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Roberts and am now chairing the new Department of Psychology. Roberts is an exciting place to study psychology. We have a wonderful faculty of dedicated Christian psychologists who work diligently to integrate their faith into their teaching.

My husband and I live in Byron, New York—out on the prairie. We have a small 5-acre hobby farm, where I enjoy gardening and making preserves. My spouse cares for a variety of livestock, and makes sure the fruit crop is ample for my preserves. We welcome student visitors to our home for movie-nights, bonfires, and cider-making in the fall! Our sons are grown now. Matt, our oldest, lives with his wife, Sarah, in Kentucky. Matt is a graduate of Asbury College and works as a videographer for WKET in Lexington. Sarah is a physician’s assistant in an Internal Medicine practice in Lexington. Sarah and Matt have two daughters, Hannah, a beautiful little redhead who at 2 ½ already shows signs of enjoying our farm, and Clara Louise, an equally beautiful little brunette who just joined us in August 2012. Our second son, Andy, graduated from Roberts with a bachelor’s degree in Social Work and completed his MSW at the University of Buffalo. He and his wife, Lyndsay, live in Santa Barbara, California, where he is a social worker with homeless youth. Lyndsay, a graduate of the Roberts’ psychology program, is a Resident Director at Westmont College, having completed her master’s in Higher Education. Chris, our youngest, graduated from the Criminal Justice program at Roberts in 2009 and has been working in law enforcement in the Rochester area. This summer we hosted an outdoor wedding at the farm for Chris and Lauren, with guests sitting on quilt covered straw bales during the ceremony. Lauren, who earned her MSW at Roberts, is completing her third year as RD of Davison Hall at Roberts.

Psychology of Learning and Behavior

First Year Seminar

Field Work Preparation

History of Psychology

Contemporary Issues in Counseling

Ph.D.  Iowa State University, Ames, 1986. 
          APA accredited program in Counseling Psychology.

Predoctoral Internship:  8/85-7/86, Illinois State University. 
          APA accredited internship at Student Counseling Center, Normal, IL.

Graduate Coursework:  SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY         
          6/95 -- Psych. Dev. of the Child 
          1/96 -- Cognitive Psychology

M.S.  Iowa State University, Ames, 1983.  Major in Psychology (Counseling).

B.A.  Roberts Wesleyan College, Rochester, NY, 1980. Major in Psychology.